Your thoughts create your life.

Are you tired of feeling anxious, stressed, and unfulfilled? Most of the advice you’ll find online can be helpful to a point, but it doesn’t get to the root of the issue – your thoughts.

Okay, so if my thought patterns are the problem, HOW do I change them? My mission with this blog is to help you do just that – here you’ll find practical, actionable steps to help you change your thoughts based on research about how the mind works.

Are you ready to rewire your brain and transform your life from the inside out?  Let’s begin!


Jenna Portrait

What can I help you with?


A Letter to My 18 Year old Self

A Letter to My 18 Year old Self

Recently I was listening to Elevation podcast (which is AMAZING, by the way!) and Pastor Steven Furtick was talking about what his wife does when she notices that he’s taking things for granted. She likes to ask him “what would 18 year old Steven think if he could see...

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A More Realistic Lovingkindness Meditation

A More Realistic Lovingkindness Meditation

“The tragedy of life is linked inescapably with its splendor; you could tear civilization down and rebuild it from scratch, and the same dualities would rise again. Yet to fully inhabit these dualities—the dark as well as the light—is, paradoxically, the only way to...

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Gratitude and Grief Can Coexist

Gratitude and Grief Can Coexist

My mom asked me the other day if I still remember what my step dad was like before he was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s…because she feels like her memories of him pre-Alzheimer’s are slowly slipping away. I still remember what he was like back then, but...

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