Emotions are NOT Contagious

Emotions are NOT Contagious

Have you ever heard the phrase “emotions are contagious”? I majored in psychology and this idea that emotions are contagious is something that I remember very well from my classes. The idea is that if somebody else is in a bad mood or a good mood, that will “rub off”...
Grief Isn’t Supposed to Look A Certain Way

Grief Isn’t Supposed to Look A Certain Way

Five years. I still remember where I was when I got the call. I was on my way home from work and I immediately turned around and drove straight to my parents’ house. I remember how I felt like I was being punched in the stomach…even though I’d seen it coming. We’d...
When I argue with reality, I suffer.

When I argue with reality, I suffer.

“When I argue with reality I lose, but only 100% of the time.” – Byron Katie We spend a lot of time being frustrated about things we can’t control – situations, other people – instead of focusing on the one thing we can control – which is ourselves.    ...
All Problems are Thought Problems

All Problems are Thought Problems

“All problems are thought problems.“ – Jody Moore What if I told you there was a solution that would solve every problem in your life? Brooke Castillo teaches the CTFAR model which states that thoughts create feelings which drive actions which produce results....