Week in the Life 2024 | Photos + Words

Week in the Life 2024 | Photos + Words

Week in the Life is a scrapbooking project created by Ali Edwards. The purpose of the project is to document what a typical week looks like for you at this moment in time…which means you’ll likely take photos of ordinary things you wouldn’t normally...
30 Days of Lists Completed Album + My Reason Why

30 Days of Lists Completed Album + My Reason Why

Hi friends!  Today on the blog I will be sharing my completed 30 Days of Lists scrapbooking project. This was my first time doing this project and I absolutely loved it!  I love making lists, so I knew this would be a really fun project. If you google “list...
How to Do The One Little Word Project

How to Do The One Little Word Project

“A single word can be a powerful thing.” – Ali Edwards Ali a designer, blogger, and creator of many popular scrapbooking projects, including One Little Word (OLW). What is One Little Word? Interested in participating in the OLW project?  The first step is to choose a...
How to Live the Story You Want to Tell

How to Live the Story You Want to Tell

“Live the story you want to tell”. I recently heard this Becky Higgins say this on the Cultivate a Good Life podcast (which I highly recommend) and I LOVE this quote! Most of us don’t live intentionally.  Instead, we live in default mode and we don’t pay that much...