Your thoughts create your life.

Are you tired of feeling anxious, stressed, and unfulfilled? Most of the advice you’ll find online can be helpful to a point, but it doesn’t get to the root of the issue – your thoughts.

Okay, so if my thought patterns are the problem, HOW do I change them? My mission with this blog is to help you do just that – here you’ll find practical, actionable steps to help you change your thoughts based on research about how the mind works.

Are you ready to rewire your brain and transform your life from the inside out?  Let’s begin!


Jenna Portrait

What can I help you with?


How to Live the Story You Want to Tell

How to Live the Story You Want to Tell

“Live the story you want to tell”. I recently heard this Becky Higgins say this on the Cultivate a Good Life podcast (which I highly recommend) and I LOVE this quote! Most of us don’t live intentionally.  Instead, we live in default mode and we don’t pay that much...

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How to Love Difficult People

How to Love Difficult People

Luke 6:32 says “If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those who love them.” For most of us, it’s easy to be loving and kind when people are kind to us.  Loving difficult people, on the other hand, is much more...

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When Life Feels Unfair, Read This

When Life Feels Unfair, Read This

I recently listened to an episode of Cultivate a Good Life (an amazing podcast, by the way!) called Show Up!  The guest, Natalie Norton, was sharing her story…and it was heartbreaking. Her beloved brother passed away and shortly afterward, she lost her infant son to...

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